Afganistan wzorem dla Bugodrza
"Skok cywilizacyjny rządów PO sprowadził nas do poziomu bratniego Afganistanu, gdzie przez kilka miesięcy tak skrupulatnie liczono wyborcze głosy, że w końcu dwaj kandydaci na prezydenta machnęli ręką i podzielili władzę między sobą ...",cymbalatak-na-pkw,cymbalatak-na-pkw
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Taliban soldiers came for him on 27 September 1996. He was castrated
before the Taliban dragged him to death behind a truck in the streets. His blood-soaked body was hung from a traffic light, his mouth stuffed with Afghan banknotes, cigarettes replacing the fingers on his hands.
His brother Shahpur Ahmadzai was given the same treatment.
Najibullah and Ahmadzai's bodies were hanged on public display to show the public that a new era had begun.
Osobiście, czasem łOOdzę że jednak co się odwlecze to nie uciecze
“It is not necessary to understand things in order to argue about them.”
“I quickly laugh at everything for fear of having to cry.”