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Jim Stone - jeżeli nie znacie go, to guzik wiecie o prawdziwym spiskowizmie!!!

Kolo jest nie z tej ziemi, ma jakieś mega szczegółowe informacje o różnych sprawach; dzisiaj wzion się akurat za Hilarię i jej tajne maile, których są tysiące, może i dziesiątki tysięcy.
Pokasowała je Hilaria profesjonalnie, cóż ubecja była jeszcze profesjonalniejsza i już 300 odzyskali. No ciekawe to wszystko, kto by uwierzył...


  • Aha, no i co najfajniejsze - oto ten wybuchł w dalekim Kitaju to była zemsta Ameryki za wykradzenie Hilariowych emaili, i takie ostrzeżenie, że jak chcą, to im pieprzną z satelity wolframem. No niezłe to są jaja!!!
  • Ło, cosik dla smaka lepszego:
    MORE THAN EDUCATED GUESS: The Clintons are Bolshevik communists that used unauthorized NSA access to sell America down the river and then sank the boat.

    I was holding my breath on Hillary's E-mails. Now the truth is out and from what has been gleaned from the wreckage after thousands and thousands of careful deletes it took her staff months to sift through and do in a convincing way, it is obvious, even from the wreckage that the Clintons had many many spies inside the NSA. These spies used the great power of the NSA to steal America's secrets, from everything from private individuals, to the military, to corporations and private companies,and then handed all the NSA raped data straight to the Chinese, the Russians, the Israelis, and anyone else who had a good shot at destroying America.
    Brazen claim you say? Well, I don't think so when you consider the following:
    Even after thousands upon thousands of known deletes, which took Hillary's staff months to accomplish in a way that left enough to look like a real E-mail account without having anything incriminating in it, the NSA was able to find word strings in various mails her staff missed that proved beyond a doubt Hillary had MANY MANY MANY mails that had top secret SCI level (and on top of that) specifically labeled "For American Eyes only" documents in them, even though the top secret warnings were nowhere to be seen. This can only happen if the real documents existed in previous mails, were copied from and quoted in other mails, sans the top secret labeling, and her staff was unable to fish it all out of what they decided should stay in the account to make it look like there was no cleanup.

    Additionally, due to the content and traits of the text strings found, the NSA has concluded that via plants at the NSA, Hillary (and probably Bill as well) had the documents beamed straight out of the NSA up to the NSA's own satellite, which Hillary then received the information from via unauthorized admittance to a classified channel.

    The NSA has concluded that at one time there were thousands upon thousands of clearly labeled classified documents in her mail box, which was wide open to the Chinese and Russians. They have so far proven she raped classified information wholesale, but cannot confirm the full extent of what was raped (in its entirety) because it is only rational to conclude such a massive cleanup effort would at least be able to hide the final details.
  • Gwałcicielka jedna ta Klintonowa. I to tłumaczy dlaczego Bill wolał Monikę i cygaro. Ło matko i cOOrko! Ale się z tego narobi domysłóW11111
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