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  • Mordechlaj_Mashke napisal(a):
    No masz, najlepiej jak pompek powiedział, że wuj z tym, że parę dziadów kojfnie przedwcześnie, najbardziej trapi go "dyktatorial trend in Eastern Europe". Że Orban jest dyktatorem Węgrów "for ever" i że podobnie jest w innych krajach.
    Czyli bredzi na tematy, o których nie ma pojęcia. I tyle.

  • Ciekawosteczka, pan Taleb pisze o świecie w koronie kubek w kubek to, co jam napisał we wpisie wątkotwórczym. Great minds think alike -- bo nie sądzę, żeby zgapiał z tut. Forumka.

    But Taleb doesn’t believe that the government should abandon citizens buffeted by events they can’t possibly anticipate or control. (He dedicated his book “Skin in the Game,” published in 2018, to Ron Paul and Ralph Nader.) “The state,” he told me, “should not smooth out your life, like a Lebanese mother, but should be there for intervention in negative times, like a rich Lebanese uncle.” Right now, for example, the government should, indeed, be sending out checks to unemployed and gig workers. (“You don’t bail out companies, you bail out individuals.”) He would also consider a guaranteed basic income, much as Andrew Yang, whom he admires, has advocated. Crucially, the government should be an insurer of health care, though Taleb prefers not a centrally run Medicare-for-all system but one such as Canada’s, which is controlled by the the provinces. And, like responsible supply-chain managers, the federal government should create buffers against public-health disasters: “If it can spend trillions stockpiling nuclear weapons, it ought to spend tens of billions stockpiling ventilators and testing kits.”

    At the same time, Taleb adamantly opposes the state taking on staggering debt. He thinks, rather, that the rich should be taxed as disproportionately as necessary, “though as locally as possible.” The key is “to build on the good days,” when the economy is growing, and reduce the debt, which he calls “intergenerational dispossession.” The government should then encourage an eclectic array of management norms: drawing up political borders, even down to the level of towns, which can, in an epidemiological emergency, be closed; having banks and corporations hold larger cash reserves, so that they can be more independent of market volatility; and making sure that manufacturing, transportation, information, and health-care systems have redundant storage and processing components. (“That’s why nature gave us two kidneys.”) Taleb is especially keen to inhibit “moral hazard,” such as that of bankers who get rich by betting, and losing, other people’s money. “In the Hammurabi Code, if a house falls in and kills you, the architect is put to death,” he told me. Correspondingly, any company or bank that gets a bailout should expect its executives to be fired, and its shareholders diluted. “If the state helps you, then taxpayers own you.”

    Some of Taleb’s principles seem little more than thought experiments, or fit uneasily with others. How does one tax more locally, or close a town border? If taxpayers own corporate equities, does this mean that companies might be nationalized, broken up, or severely regulated? But asking Taleb to describe antifragility to its end is a little like asking Thomas Hobbes to nail down sovereignty. The more important challenge is to grasp the peril for which political solutions must be designed or improvised; society cannot endure with complacent conceptions of how things work. “It would seem most efficient to drive home at two hundred miles an hour,” he put it to me.“But odds are you’d never get there.”
  • loslos
    edytowano April 2020
    No nie Ignac, u ciebie to nie jest taki groch z kapustą.

    Zdarzają się ludzie, którzy mają raz i czy dwa coś do powiedzenia i chwała im za to, to luksusowy dar. Niektórym się niestety wydaje, że jak mieli raz czy dwa coś to powiedzenia, to odtąd już mogą gadać bez opamiętania.
  • Ignac na prezydenta!
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